Digital Solutions > FireFly DE550

Florida Medical Sales, Inc.

Video Laryngoscopes

Infinium ClearVue® VL4D
Disposable Blade Handle Video Laryngoscope
The ClearVue® features a rechargeable lithium-ion battery for extended use. The HD screen offers a unique anti-fog and anti-shatter capability. The overall design is compact and ergonomic. A high-resolution view of the glottis will enable clinicians' first-attempt success while minimizing any chance of a complication during the intubation process.
Comact, Ergonomic, and Durable
Lightweight - weighs less than 1 lb.
Quick installation and removal of blade
Quick shot camera button for recording 8 GB data storage (up to 80 hrs video)
Optional HDMI output to remote display
Screen is reinforced with anti-shatter protection
Lightweight long lasting rechargeable battery
1-year warranty

4-inch HD display
Anti-fog lens
2.0 mega pixel camera with video

Blade Options
Macintosh blade sizes 2,3,4
More blades available

The Infinium ClearVue® video laryngoscope adopts state-of-the-art image technology and possesses the advantage of a 2.0 megapixel full view camera with high-resolution monitor. The ClearVue® features a rechargeable li-ion battery for extended use. A unique anti-fog capability is also provided. The overall design is compact and ergonomic. A high resolution view of the glottis will enable clinicians first attempt success while minimizing any chance of a complication during the intubation process.
Compact and Ergonomic
Lightweight - Unit Is Less Than 350g.
Quick installation and Removal of Blade
Quick Shot Camera Button for Recording
Low Cost Per Patient
Reusable Blades Can Be Used Up to 1000 Times

2 Years Warranty
Screen is Reinforced With Anti-Shatter Protection
Light Weight Long Lasting Rechargeable Lion Battery
3.5 Inch Display
Anti-Fog Lens
2.0 Mega Pixel Camera With Video
Optional HDMI External Monitor