Digital Solutions > FireFly DE550

Florida Medical Sales, Inc.

Whether you are an experienced rescuer or a first-time responder, the Powerheart G5 automated external defibrillator (AED) provides a powerful combination of features that help rescuers provide sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victims with swift, effective, and life-saving therapy. The Powerheart G5 is the first FDA-approved AED to combine fully automatic shock delivery, dual-language functionality, variable escalating energy, and fast shock times to help save an SCA victim‘s life.

Several studies document the effects of time to defibrillation on survival from cardiac arrest and the consensus is that minutes count: If a rescuer can provide defibrillation in the first minute, the victim’s chance of survival increases to more than 90 percent. However, each minute that passes will decrease the victim’s chance of survival by 7–10 percent if no defibrillation is provided.1
1. A.S. Go et al. American Heart Association Guidelines 2010 - Electrical
Therapies. American Heart Association Circulation, 122 (2010): S710.
Delivers post-CPR shock in as few as 10 seconds for effective therapy.
Assesses the patient's therapy needs and delivers customized shock at an appropriate energy level.
Customizable prompts and protocols to meet user's needs and preferences.
Automatically detects pediatric pads and delivers a reduced energy shock.
Enables quick transfer and review of data via USB.
Optional Intellisense™ CPR Feedback monitors the quality of both chest compression depth and rate. If either compression rate or depth is outside the 2015 American Heart Association-acceptable parameters, the rescuer will receive a short corrective promt to ensure effectiveness.
Fully automatic shock delivery eliminates user hesitation. (Semi-automatic AED version also available.)
Intuitive, interchangeable pad design simplifies placement.
RescueCoach™ user-paced prompts guide users through each critical step of a rescue.
Text prompts provide extra help in noisy and chaotic environments.
Switch to an alternate language during a rescue with the push of a button to help more potential responders. (Available in select languages.)
Rugged, durable design for transport, storage and use in challenging settings.
High ingress protection (IP55) against dust and water for performance in harsh environments.
Meets rigorous military standards for shock and vibration testing.
Rescue Ready® technology self-checks all main AED components (battery, hardware, software, and pads) daily.
The AED completes a partial charge of the high-voltage electronics weekly, and a full charge monthly.
- The highly visable Rescue Ready indicator assures responders that they are retrieving a working AED.
8-year AED warranty
Medical-grade battery with a 4-year full operational guarantee.