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Florida Medical Sales, Inc.

Suture Removal Tool

Clinicians & Patients love SutureOut because it's faster & easier, more comfortable, and less wasteful than conventional disposable suture removal tools.

Improve throughput, outcomes, and reduce environmental impact with this simple tool.
Demonstration Video
Instruction Video

More Information
Faster: Enables safe cutting of sutures from outside the suture loop, making suture removal much faster for the caregiver, increasing efficiency and patient throughput.
Easier: Eliminates the need to get inside the suture, which is especially difficult with tightly-tied knots and embedded sutures, making suture removal much easier for the clinician.
Hygienic: Allows the practitioner to collect removed sutures right on the tool's integrated tacky surface, reducing cleanup time wile supporting hygienic practices and better infection control protocols.
Increase Patient Comfort: Dramatically reduces the amount of tension placed on the suture and is less intimidating than scissors and scalpels, making suture removal significantly more comfortable for the patient.
Cuts Disposal Costs: One SutureOut tool weighs less than 1 gram and is 95% lighter than scissors, providing a major savings on sharps disposal.
Eco- Friendly: SutureOut is comprised of 95% recyclable, degradable material, supporting sustainability, clean-med, and medical waste reduction initiatives at your facility.
Why Switch?

Sterile SutureOut Tool
Disposable Plastic Forceps
4x4 Gauze
Box of 50

Sterile SutureOut Tool
Box of 50

Sterile SutureOut Tool
Disposable Stainles Steel Forceps
4x4 Gauze
Box of 50
3 Kit Options